Trademark Disclaimer​

Trademark Disclaimer

The iHOME® trademark is officially registered by member entities of iHOME Sojourn Organization in jurisdictions including Switzerland, the European Union, the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong, and other global legal jurisdictions. Member entities of iHOME Sojourn Organization offer services corresponding to the scope of the trademark registration within these areas, particularly services in the tourism and vacation category.

All content, products, and services displayed on this website, along with the “iHOME” brand identification and other associated trademarks, are assets of member entities of iHOME Sojourn Organization and are authorized to be displayed or operated on this website. The “iHOME” brand displayed on this website is an independent entity, holding no ties, endorsements, relationships, or affiliations with any other entities or brands named “iHOME”, whether in Europe, the United States, or other regions unless explicitly stated.

To ensure no confusion or infringement upon the rights of any external entities or brands, we advise all users to exercise discernment and ensure your decisions align with the brand business scope of member entities of iHOME Sojourn Organization.